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Two Archangel Retreat Meditations With Lindsley via Zoom

  • 12 Woburn Walk London WC1H 0JL (map)

Wednesday 12th and 19th June



Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Michael and Acheia Faith are delighted to invite you to enjoy a meditation in the vibration and environment of their retreats. Archangel Jophiel is the Archangel for illumination and the second ray. He teaches humans who have the desire and dedication to explore their spiritual journey to greater serve the Divine and humanity.

Michael is the Archangel of protection and represents the First Ray. His role is to protect, to

clear destructive thoughts, connections and old patterns of behaviour from people looking to evolve into a higher spiritual awareness.

Archaia Faith encourages people to maintain their faith in a supreme Divine energy of which they are a part and help align them to their Divine purpose.

Please contact us for details