Join Ann-Marie and several aspects of Mother Mary to experience some of the many faces shown to the world by Mother Mary.
Mother Mary, or the Virgin Mary, has many aspects that are being mentioned more and more as the prophecies of different seers are being revealed, but what other aspects of Mother Mary are there?
In this workshop you will work with 4 main aspects of Mother Mary that show some of the many abilities she has as the Divine Mother and Queen of Heaven:
Our Lady of Sorrows will show you where in your life you need to make changes, and how to not repeat the mistakes that caused them.
Our Lady of Lourdes will show you where in your life you need healing and what caused this unbalance.
Our Lady Undoer of Knots will show you how to break free of a situation that has you trapped.
Our Lady of Grace will show you where you need protection in your life. You will also meet the aspect that is supporting you at this time in your life.
These aspects are very powerful, so participants need to be able to ground and protect their energy. Please contact us for more information