Part 1- The Sacral Chakra and Sorrow 2
I have been asked by the Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Sorrows to create these 8 workshops for those who wish to look deeper at the connection between their fears in life that relate to their Chakra system. Our Lady of Sorrows and Kuan Yin will take us through a combination of the sorrows and Chakras linked to them. They will and show us what we need to clear and balance to create a more fulfilling life. Though this covers subjects related to Christianity and Buddhism it is a contemplation course, not a religious course.
In this workshop we hear of the flight into Egypt of the Holy Family and how Our Lady is the strength in this situation as St Joseph takes them through dangerous times.
Our Lady will take you on a contemplation exercise about this sorrow and how it relates to you.
Kuan Yin will then help us to release the energy of fear of letting go of a situation that is blocking your Feminine energy or creativity flow. This session helps you to understand why you had to let go, or why you must let go, for personal peace.
Personal Homework will be given. Please contact us for more information