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An Afternoon with Angels with Lindsley and Ann Marie

  • 12 Woburn Walk London WC1H 0JL (map)


 A full-on workshop with some wonderful archangels who are working closely with lightworkers and light warriors. You will receive attunements, light code downloads, information, an angelic name, a personal message and small angel gift. Cord cutting with Archangel Michael to release yourself from no longer serves you and allows you to move forward fearlessly in your life.

Attunement to the sacred flame of transmutation with the Violet Flame Angels to change negative energy into positive and clear spaces of low vibrational beings. Archangels Zadkiel, Zaphkiel and Jeremiel work with this beautiful flame. Meditation related to Archangel Raphael’s staff which is the Caduceus which is the symbol of healing and medicine. It represents Divine healing and spiritual guidance. His staff can energetically support those who are on their journey of self-discovery and help align them to their Divine purpose.

Receive your Angel name beautifully written in calligraphy to place on your alter and a personal message. A gift of a small crystal angel will be given to each participant.

Please contact us to book