Join Ann-Marie Spittle and experience interactive meditations to help you connect and work with Timat, Queen of the Dragons, the Violet Flame, Archangels, Higher Dimensional Beings of light and the Divine Mother. To protect yourself and your home. Participants should know how to ground and protect their energy, have been sitting for development for at least a year, or be working as a Medium, Healer, or be a Lightworker. This symbol was given to Ann-Marie in 2014 by Archangel Raziel, and is based on an ancient Qabalah symbol connected to the Divine Mother energy. Ann-Marie was asked by the Archangel Raziel to bring into the world in a different vibration, so it is more easily usable for Lightworkers, Healers, and other energy workers. He wishes it to be passed on by using our hearts to experience this symbol and not our minds. For this is from where the greatest protective energy of the Divine comes from. The fourth layer has recently been activated after working with her students in Hong Kong and is linked to the Virgin Mary vibration of the Divine Mother, but participants may experience it as the Divine Mother energy.
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