£20 (This Session)
Possible trigger for this workshop – the reasons people make certain choices concerning this part of the process. The Birthing Angels are a group of angels that have made themselves known to me concerning the exit points, we have placed in our life path experiences. When we are born these angels anchor us into the physical form and supervise this process until we are fully integrated. When we choose to incarnate, we also choose several exit points. These are in case we are finding the life we have chosen to incarnate into is too hard, and want to leave at that exit point rather than wait for our completion date. These exit points can occur either by our own hand or via accidents or illness, and at each point the Birthing angels are present. This is so if we choose to remain and continue our lives they then re-anchor us into our lives and physical form.
This workshop will cover heavy subjects such as suicide and other reasons for not remaining, so please do not attend if you are heavily triggered by these subjects.
E-mail Ann-Marie at spiritofthewind13@outlook.com to ask any questions.