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Working with the Lady of Avalon and Water Goddesses With Ann-Marie via Zoom

  • 12 Woburn Walk London WC1H 0JL (map)


 Join Ann-Marie, the Lady of Avalon, and various Water Goddesses to experience the nurture and emotional support of these beings.

Using a Water Yantra and a connection to the Goddesses, you will experience a cleansing meditation. You will release a belief blocking you and then embark on the next step of your spiritual path. 

Water Goddesses are all Goddesses from around Gaia, who enrich the land with the power and energy of the sacred spring of eternal life that flows through and from them.

Please note one of the meditations may cause a physical reaction as part of the energy clearing carried out. Like water they can be both gentle and nurturing, overpowering and destructive or somewhere in–between. It depends on what is required to rebalance the land and its occupants and have the power to destroy or create.

Participants should know how to ground and protect their energy, be aware of their 7 Chakra system, or be a Medium or Healer.