Archangels are the main emissaries of God/Divine and the bridge between the Divine andmankind. This series helps you connect to different Archangel energies more deeply and in a different way, so we can have a deeper and different experience of them.
Participants should know how to ground and protect their energy, the opening and closing their seven Chakra system regularly, or be a Medium, Healer, or Lightworker.
Join Ann-Marie, Aimee, Nicole, and Archangel Michael - whose name means “Who is like God” - to learn how to better protect yourself and receive various attunements.
In the first part of this workshop you will receive attunements to the angelic vibration of the Violet Flame and Blue Flame of Protection. Receive the armour of God as a way to protect your energy against negative energies. Then you will learn how to use the Violet Flame for cord cutting with Archangel Michael to release you from old connections that no longer serve you.
In the second half you will learn a new method of DNA clearing using the Blue Flame, Reiki. Also light and galactic language to clear the users energy down to the molecular level. Then a deep clearing of the sacral and womb area.
It is wise to note that all beings are female until a certain part of the gestation period. So all beings should carry out the womb clearing exercise as part of moving forward into the new energy allowing the vibration of the earth to rise.