In this part of the series join Ann-Marie on zoom to experience interactive meditations to help you work with the Metatron Cube and Star being Violet Flame.
Participants should know how to ground and protect their energy, have been sitting for development for at least a year, or be working as a medium or healer.
Working with the Metatron cube and Star Being Violet Flame
Join Ann-Marie and Archangel Metatron to work with the Metatron Cube and Star Being Violet flame
The Metatron Cube is part of Sacred Geometry and contains all the geometric shapes of mathematics. You will be attuned to this shape, be shown a way to use it for balancing and clearing your energy.
Archangel Orion will attune you to the Galactic Violet Flame and show you how it can be used.
This is the flame used by Star Beings to clear themselves of any low level Galactic energies that will interfere with their mission.