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Self Empowerment for Lightworkers (2) with Lindsley Cash and Ann-Marie Spittle

  • 12 Woburn Walk London WC1H 0JL (map)


Attunement to the Violet Flame with St Germain

The violet flame is one of the sacred flames, and is linked to the seventh ray of existence. Used to transmute negative energy into positive energy. protect the user’s energy, and help clear any low vibrational energy from people and spaces. For lightworkers this is a very powerful tool that can be used in many different and effective ways, which participants will be informed of as part of the attunement.

Build your Antahkarana Bridge back to your Soul

Antahkarana Bridge or Rainbow Bridge connects the lower mind with the mind of the soul. Through it you can get higher wisdom and guidance. Strengthening the bridge is done through meditative practice and selfless service. Once established a lightworker walks and talks their truth and their brilliant light and energy positively touches every being that passes them or engages with them every day.

What Archangels can do for you

Archangels are emanations of the Divine Light, and the main emissaries of God/Divine. Working with them helps you improve your work, your confidence, your health, and work with Lightworker on their mission, so that they are supported at the right level. Working with Archangels you will be shown how to protect your space, and Archangels Michael and Raphael will show you how to cut cords that no longer serve you, and how to give yourself some green ray healing

Journey to your Source Are you a star being?

Are you an old soul? It is likely that you have been in existence for many years and lived in different time periods and dimensions. This activity will take you to a place where you can ask questions and also visit the Pleiades with your higher self and receive some personal information

Participants should know how to ground and protect their energy, have been sitting for development for at least a year or be working as a medium or healer.

6 Places available