In a culture which still questions the connection between mind and body, let alone the influence the Soul has on our health, I aim to show how the natal chart can describe the individual in an holistic way – the physical, the feeling, the thinking and the spiritual self and thus provide a map for the journey towards Wholeness ie. health It is my “sense” that the current increase in mental health problems and diseases like Cancer is due to an individual and collective dysfunction partially due to the secularisation of society and the denial of our spiritual natures. It is only when we live in harmony with “who we are meant to be”, as shown in the birth chart, that we can be healthy. “DISEASE CANNOT EXIST IN THE BODY OF AN ENLIGHTENED MAN” Buddha
Veronica Dodds worked as an Actor for 30 years and has been doing Astrology readings for 30 years. She trained at the Faculty of Astrological Studies and Goldsmiths College, University of London. She also works as a Reiki Master/Teacher, Clinical hypnotherapist and Meditation Teacher.
Her book THE NEED FOR TRUTH AND LOVE – An Astrological and Spiritual Perspective on Mental Health is to be published early next year.