This workshop will give students a closer relationship with their spirit teams putting them on a first name basis with the purpose of giving greater confidence to the student to be able to identify and be confidence that the energy with them is truly part of their spirit team.
A channelled introduction is given by the facilitator to the No1 Guide who will provide relevant information. The Higher Self is also channelled and after the initial information is given the student takes over asking questions and receiving information. A guided meditation will take the student into the presence of their Guardian Angel where they dialogue together, in addition, participants will be attuned to the Violet Flame given to humanity through Ascended Master Saint Germain for them to use as a clearing tool for their own energy and space. Time is allocated for participants questions to be answered by a channelled response. Maximum of 10 people.
The focus is for those starting their mediumship or healing development.
(Book for Energy Wellbeing as well for £50)