The Divine Mother exists across all religions and is Divine Feminine aspect of the Divine Source. She appears in various guises dependent on the religion or belief system followed. These workshops are designed for you to make connections with the various aspects of the Divine Mother that you were connected to in past lives. She will work with you, due to planetary changing vibrations and the return of her energy to this planet.
Join Ann-Marie and the Goddesses of Protection Sekmet, Durga, Kali, Mother Mary, and many more, will show you who you are being protected by, and where you need to protect yourself. Armed with their energetic ‘know how’ of how to protect your energy against low level, draining and attacking energies. You will be shown how to act and automatically set your vibration to defend yourself against those who would try and stop you on your spiritual path. You will also be shown what you need to do to protect yourself against your own self- destructive tenancies, and why you keep repeating them. This workshop will be intense, so please ensure you know how to ground and where your Chakras and energy bodies are before signing up.