£20( Concessions available on request)
Dictionary meaning: Joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness
The path of joy involves you valuing yourself and what you do with yourself on a moment by moment basis.
How many of us feel that we are in our current situation because of other people's actions? How many of us feel we are trapped in our lives? We don't have to feel negative emotions. We can choose to feel joy, whatever our circumstances are. What's past is past - let it go with love so that you can make way for new things in your life.
Who you BE at this moment is not the person you will be tomorrow or the next day because each day you will chose to bring joy into your life which will bring newness to yourself.
In a safe and caring environment and through simple activities and discussion we can dispense with old thinking patterns and will discover our new joyful selves and look forward to experiencing this effect on our lives.