£5 per session
Wednesdays 3th, 10th, 17th, 24th June at 12-1pm
Sit for self-healing, as well as the healing of loved ones, in this guided meditation. As the energies of dis-ease are released and transmuted we will work with the angelic realm to send healing to the Earth.
Everyone is invited to bring a totem (photograph, a name written on paper, etc.) of a person in need of healing, to be placed in the center of the circle.
No special ability is needed except the desire to be of service.
More on Earth Healing:
Gaia is at a point of a dramatic evolution and is need of healing to make this transformation. As a group we will send healing to her core and as individuals we will be responsible for particular parts of the world, such as the oceans, mountains, forests etc. This is an on-going event whilst the new energies are being harmonised with Mother Earth. We understand that many archangels are participating in this dedicated service.